House of the Dead: Scarlet Dawn

Highscore by:
Stage Manor Depths
Play Time 8:35:878
P1 Score 29925
P1 Shots 3919
P1 Hits 2298
P1 Critical Shot 27
P1 Damage 14
P1 Accuracy % 58.637
P1 Kills 104
P2 Score 38364
P2 Shots 4945
P2 Hits 2780
P2 Critical Shot 35
P2 Damage 12
P2 Accuracy % 56.218
P2 Kills 168
Play Time Overall 37:38:412
Real Time Overall 56:46:367
P1 Score Overall 233025
P1 Shots Overall 17193
P1 Hits Overall 8333
P1 Critical Shot Overall 277
P1 Damage Overall 14
P1 Accuracy Overall % 48.467
P1 Kills Overall 1104
P2 Score Overall 160767
P2 Shots Overall 16180
P2 Hits Overall 7506
P2 Critical Shot Overall 160
P2 Damage Overall 12
P2 Accuracy Overall % 46.391
P2 Kills Overall 904
Capture Session Id
Submitted 9/14/2024 7:18:34 AM


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