Dirty Drivin'

Track records

Name Track Time Submitted
Thunder Mesa 2:02:190 09/03/2024 17.25.22
Brawlaseum 2:16:210 09/03/2024 17.11.43
Swissted Twister 1:54:770 12/01/2023 5.35.36
Volcano Island 2:01:420 25/02/2024 12.58.25
Iron Circuit 1:49:870 25/02/2023 16.38.34
Revenge of the Nile 1:52:270 02/07/2024 3.14.59
Lost City 2:10:520 13/07/2024 7.28.33
Thunder Mesa Flipped 2:07:390 04/01/2023 8.53.07
Brawlaseum Flipped 0 21/08/2023 6.01.07
Swissted Twister Flipped 2:10:090 26/02/2024 21.56.54
Volcano Island Flipped 1:56:110 29/01/2023 2.40.08
Iron Circuit Flipped 1:49:140 26/02/2024 21.53.20
Revenge of the Nile Flipped 1:57:640 17/07/2023 8.29.15
Lost City Flipped 2:15:990 04/01/2023 8.40.30

Top speed records

Name Track Top speed Submitted
Thunder Mesa 1678 09/03/2024 17.25.22
Brawlaseum 651 11/04/2024 7.45.09
Swissted Twister 3351 14/07/2024 23.38.19
Volcano Island 1038 02/07/2024 3.11.49
Iron Circuit 572 09/03/2024 17.21.41
Revenge of the Nile 723 16/01/2023 18.17.20
Lost City 1395 13/07/2024 7.28.33
Thunder Mesa Flipped 683 26/02/2024 21.49.58
Brawlaseum Flipped 543 26/02/2024 16.32.18
Swissted Twister Flipped 3139 26/02/2024 21.56.54
Volcano Island Flipped 590 15/01/2024 20.29.12
Iron Circuit Flipped 457 26/02/2024 21.53.20
Revenge of the Nile Flipped 470 16/01/2023 18.24.31
Lost City Flipped 461 26/02/2024 16.35.45

Latest submissions

84 total submissions
Name Car Track Time Submitted
SnakeBite Swissted Twister 2:13:390 26/07/2024 17.46.40
SnakeBite Swissted Twister 2:12:860 26/07/2024 17.35.58
SnakeBite Swissted Twister 1:57:590 14/07/2024 23.38.19
Lock 'N Load Lost City 2:10:520 13/07/2024 7.28.33
BattleAxe Lost City 2:18:460 02/07/2024 3.18.55
Go-Rilla Revenge of the Nile 1:52:270 02/07/2024 3.14.59
Dume Buggy Volcano Island 2:10:770 02/07/2024 3.11.49
Patriot Brawlaseum 2:42:470 02/07/2024 3.07.25
Lock 'N Load Brawlaseum 3:35:820 13/06/2024 5.30.14
BattleAxe Brawlaseum 3:10:530 13/06/2024 5.25.11